I was honored to be asked to do an interview for the podcast “Amazing Jobs! - Hosted by Lisette".
Lisette is a 7 year-old who interviews people that enjoy what they do. We touched on more things than I would have expected, which is a valid reminder to encourage the power of youth. Children have minds that see and feel more than we give them credit, certainly more than we allow ourselves to remember. She is a thoughtful and talented kid, with a great perspective. It was a pleasure to chat with her and I’ll work to retain some of the childhood wonder that we spoke about. Give it a listen:
You can here more of Lisette’s Amazing Jobs podcast here:
Full Transcript:
Hi, it's me Lisette and I’m here on Amazing Jobs, with Scott Clover.
So Scott, what's your job?
I’m an intuitive energy healer.
What is intuitive?
So I use my intuition to help guide people to feel better.
Oh. Can you talk about intuition and does everybody have it?
Yes, everyone has several forms of intuition.
The two basic forms that I talk about primarily is the intuition about how we feel in our bodies. So we even used the words like, “oh, I have a gut feeling about that”, or “I'm sick to my stomach about what's happening” and that means your mammalian, animal instincts get channeled through our body and we feel those instincts and can be confused by them.
And so we have to make solutions in our brains; we have to make up stories to feel better about how our intuition, which may be going against what we see in our society or the way we grew up.
Ohhhh. Do you like this job?
I do like this job! Yeah, a lot.
Why do you like it?
I like this job because I get to help people and I get people that come to see me that want to feel better. So when we work together they feel better afterwards, so that makes me feel good.
Oh. Is there anything you don’t like about this job?
I would say sometimes when I access my intuition I have to concentrate really hard and I like to do that all at one time in the day, meaning I would like to stay in my intuition mode and then finished my work.
But sometimes I see people on and off all over the day, so sometimes I have to be really intuitive and then I turned it off so I don't get headaches or something and then have to turn it back on again. But it's ok, actually.
Do you help people express their feelings?
I would say I help people get in touch with what creates their feelings and sometimes what creates their feelings makes them feel bad.
So what I do is I help them observe what makes them feel bad and once we observe what makes them feel bad, it starts to feel better.
An example is sometimes things happen to us when we're younger and those things that happened to us when we're younger create issues for us as we get older and sometimes as we get older we forget what happened that made us feel bad.
So then you come and see somebody like me who has intuition and I read the energy in the universe. I read the energy in your body and we figure out what made somebody feel bad when they were young, that's causing them to still feel bad when they're older. And once we get to figure out what that is using intuition, the person generally starts to feel better.
Did you want to do this job when you were littler?
I never knew that this was a job when I was littler.
When I was your age, for example, I was very intuitive as most kids tend to be (quite intuitive), but generally after around the age of 11 or 12, most children's intuition goes to the wayside and society doesn't accept it as much. Most children stop using their intuition around 10 or 11.
So one of the things I also like about my job is to remind adults, people my age, that they can go back and access their childhood imagination, and that childhood imagination can help them feel better because it's a different form of reality.
Is this job hard?
I would say there are people like me who are more inclined to do this job. So it would be easier for someone like me because I have a certain ability that makes this job easier. Certain people wouldn't be able to technically do my job because they don't have the same skill set. Just like how I'm not an artist because I don't know how to draw.
Ah. So it depends on who you are so you can do this job?
I would say I would say so. I think I was put on the planet to do what I am right now. I have a certain skill set that I've honed over the years that allows other people to feel better. So yeah, I do this job because I like it and I do this job because I know I'm good at it and I've trained hard and I know that people get something out of it because they tell me.
Do you think this job is an amazing job?
Do I think this job is an amazing job? I've been told that what I do is amazing and some days I wonder, when I look back on the day that I've had, and [I recall] certain intuitive hits that come into the session or the way people start to realize things that had been buried inside of them for 30 years and we'd come up with that together. That's pretty amazing. So yeah, I'd say I'm also very fortunate to be able to do this job and to take the skill set that I was born with and utilize it in a way to help people.
So yeah, I get to have fun at my job and I get to help people.
And it's not always easy. Sometimes people have some bad things that have happened to them and they really need help and I'm there to help them support that. But other times people just want to get to a better place in their life and they come to see me and we knocked down barriers and they jump or leap frog into their future smiling and skipping along. And that's pretty amazing too.
So yeah, I'd say all in all, I have a pretty amazing job.
How long can you do this job? Is there a stop limit for your intuition?
No, I think intuition is boundless and I think once people tune into their intuition, it only gets bigger and better.
Sometimes when you open up your intuition it can be a little scary because it's new and it's a lot of information coming in once you look at it. But once you get the handle on it, I think it's a really useful skill to have for anybody, whether you use it for work or you just use it in your daily life.
So intuition, once you access it, I believe it stays with you because it gives back to you. And if you lean into the process, it's going to help guide you in a great way in your life. So I'm going to use intuition through the rest of my life, but in terms of helping people, my job isn't very physically active so I'm sure I can do my job up into my seventies.
Is there something that you read that was scary for you to read, like when you read someone's intuition, was it scary for you?
I use my intuition to read other people's energies, and sometimes, as I said, people have some not nice things that happened to them. It doesn't scare me because it's almost like me watching a movie, but it's their movie. So it may have been scary for them when it happened, but rarely do I get frightened.
Like if I have to talk to a ghost or somebody who has passed away and I speak to them, I don't find that scary because mostly they're quite benevolent or they're quite nice for the most part. Every once in a while somebody that's passed away is feisty or kind of a trickster, or actually, not very nice. But I would say all in all, even if I speak to somebody who's passed on and that helps a person that's alive that's sitting with me for healing, it's not a scary process. It may be scary for the person I'm with, but for me, I'm used to it because I've been doing it a long time.
What is one of the things that happens to most of the people that is scary for them?
I think looking at the your truth and realizing that you act the way you act and certain actions aren't the way you feel inside - that can be scary for people, to realize that they're not living what we call authentically or they're not living as truthful to their own principles as possible because other factors are in their life. And when people start doing this work, they confront that.
They're confronted with the idea, “Am I a good person? Am I telling the truth to not only other people, but am I telling the truth to myself?” And when sometimes people realize they're not telling themselves the truth, that can be quite scary, but when they realize it and they lean into the truth on themselves, I tend to notice their lives get better all around. Not just for them, but the people that they interact with in their life.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell our public?
I would say trust your intuition.
It's real. It can help guide you. It can help keep you safe, but it can also help you have more fun in your life.
Because if you access your own intuition, you’ll be more truthful with who you are and then you're gonna realize “What you really like to do? What gives back to your soul?”
And maybe you can find your own amazing job.
Thank you. This is Lisette on Amazing Jobs with Scott Clover.