Nick W, Healer
/“Scott’s gift may seem bizarre because it’s completely divorced from western ideas of medicine, therapy, healing or the many mainstream solutions... but I implore anyone who has found him to speak with him. The value of a meeting with Scott is clearly felt by the time you’re walking out the door and continues to emerge with time.”
My experiences with Scott have been filled with epiphanies, large and small. I came to Scott with specific physical ailments and a conscious knowing that my life was being hindered by things I was holding onto from my past. But I had little sense of how to move forward.
When I first saw Scott I had minimal understanding of what it would be like. I took a leap, and was immediately put at ease by the clarity and depth of his talent. Now with many sessions under my belt I can share that my perception is that Scott’s approach blends emerging and established somatic healing modalities with an innate gift of clairvoyant intuition.
His approach turns so many preconceptions on their head. When I’ve worked in other healing modalities in the past, for example with a traditional talk therapist, I drove a lot of the experience. I initiated the conversation and made inferences about where pain or past experiences might be hindering my ability live freely with joy. With Scott, I only shared a little bit of why I showed up before he sensed the deeper connections and disconnections that were present in my life and began sharing them with me.
In the very first meeting I had with Scott he shared that my mother had experienced a traumatic event in her life that she was holding onto. And as a result, our relationship and the way she raised my siblings was deeply colored by this experience. It’s hard to overstate how much clarity this brought to not only my relationship with my mother, but my own lifelong connection and empathy for survivors of trauma. I was able to speak with my mother directly about the experience and received confirmation about what had appeared in my session with Scott. In just one meeting I was given a gift that allowed me to move forward in my life with so much more clarity about where I had come from prior to that point.
Each time I’ve seen Scott it’s shaken up another area where I had fallen into a rut. Both with my health and my past, it’s been shocking to see the serendipities continue to appear and move me a step forward. Both aspects of my life are things I am still working through, but I know without a doubt that Scott’s been a part of directing my path in a positive direction.
In closing, I’ll share that to some, Scott’s gift may seem bizarre because it’s completely divorced from western ideas of medicine, therapy, healing or the many mainstream solutions that have shown to be inadequate for so many. But I implore anyone who has found him to speak with him. The value of a meeting with Scott is clearly felt by the time you’re walking out the door and continues to emerge with time.