Season 1 Episode 2: Not New Agey or Spiritual
/Listen in to this episode to find out the importance of being grounded, energy and how it differs from dogma, how childhood defense mechanisms can hinder us later in life, and the importance of a free will.
Get More Comfortable and Grounded in Your Own Body
My work is designed for people to get more comfortable in their own bodies. When you are more comfortable in your own body, your intuition works better, your body works better, and you can reside where you live.
With intuitive development, much of the focus is on moving up - perceiving and understanding more. However, if you are not balanced and grounded in your own body, then you may not be metabolizing and understanding your insights.
What I Do as an Intuitive Energy Healer
Part of what I do is help in expanding people’s intuition and, at the same time, understand that they also need to ground inside their bodies as this is more effective for my client’s understanding of themselves going forward.
It is best when people understand that their individuality is important. How they interact and interpret the world is important. From this point, this perspective can create a different way of looking at themselves, society and general structures.
When one can sense or perceive energy moving in patterns and find ways to interpret these patterns, one can understand what is happening inside and how outside environments play a role in decisions, health and introspection.
Links and Resources
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Listen in to Intuitive Energy Podcast
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Read about Scott’s work in the Wall Street Journal
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Social Media Quotables
“The observer has the potential of changing the world at large just by their perception.”
“We have a choice on how to receive certain patterns in our lives.”
“The security measures we put in place to guard our psyches during tumultuous times in our adolescence, become enroute patterns if we don’t pay attention to them.”
“Instead of recognizing old security patterns and letting them go we add on top of them which means they’re still affecting us energetically.”
***Disclaimer: This Podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to