Season 2 Episode 1: Rituals, Intentions & Imagination

Intuitive Energy Podcast   Season 2 Episode 1 Rituals, Intentions & Imagination   Welcome to Season 2 of The Intuitive Energy Podcast! We discuss intuitive care, what you can do to develop and protect your intuitive self, and practical ways to be a grounded, energetic being in a chaotic world.

Welcome to Season 2 of The Intuitive Energy Podcast! We discuss intuitive care, what you can do to develop and protect your intuitive self, and practical ways to be a grounded, energetic being in a chaotic world.

Daily Rituals to Stay Grounded and What I Do as a Healer 

I drink a glass of water in the morning. I use a reverse osmosis filter for drinking clean water that is closer to nature. I try to put the most pristine water I can see in my body, no chlorine or fluoride, and make sure that it contains electrolytes and minerals. Next, using salt and Epsom salts in your bathwater and using a few essential oil drops or flowers/petals or stalks of a plant. 

I strive to eat organic (vegetarian) whenever possible and set an intention/to bless my food before I eat it. Like water, food holds intentions, that food ends up supplying your body with energy. It is beneficial to present it with your energy and intentions before you put it in your body. Prepare your water, as water holds intentions, which is why it is good to put your water out in the sunlight and have a mindful intention attached to it.


Preparations to Leave Your Home

Go for a walk and get sun on your face, and if you can, leave your house without your phone, so your walk can be intentional without distraction. If you can, walk barefoot or wear flat bendy shoes.

I use my intuition when working with clients. Because of this, I prefer to protect myself; a few ways are: I use clove oil with a carrier oil on my spleen chakra (front and back) to help protect that energetically sensitive area. Also, wearing silk helps calm the sensitivities to the psychic energy around us. I buy silk blend sweaters, two sizes too big, so when I inevitably wash them, they will shrink and still fit.


Good Energy Practices

Breathe into your pelvis and your abdomen to be calm in your own body. Get your energy to your base, so your body can calm down and be more available to interpret the world around you. Get magnesium if you're energetically sensitive or if you need to feel calm. Modern farming practices have reduced magnesium in our food. Therefore, people find it prudent to add back into their systems.

Ground treetops to roots and hug a tree as they want to receive energy, whether positive or negative. Gardening and other Earth activities are essential. Besides, you can ground yourself by using a grounding mat for sleep and working. Get one for your desk to help with the electronics around you while you're working during the daytime. 

Use my Disco Ball Exercise and create a bubble of energy around you. Do this by visualizing a life-sized disco ball, step inside and close the door. You're now encased in mirrors reflecting outside energy. Also, you can still sense the energy of those around you when you choose.

Nighttime Rituals to Create Calming Energy

Salt and saltwater baths are great, especially before bedtime. Send energies you no longer want into the salt in the water; then, let the water drain out while you are still in the tub, envisioning it takes your cleared energy down the drain with it. Make sure to leave electronics out of the bedroom as blue light disrupts sleep. 

The eyes are the only part of the nervous system that is exposed to the outside world. Give them a rest before you try and sleep. Put a small bowl of salt by the bed at night; it serves as an energetic welcome mat to wipe your feet' energy off before coming back into your body. You can also use a Flower of Life under the bed to sleep well. 

Karen Rauch Carter, author of "Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect, and Happiness," recommends putting an image of the Flower of Life under your mattress while you sleep. You can download your own here...

Final thoughts

Use your imagination to create your own rituals to protect your energy. Look what is around you in your environment. For example, I found a walled ramp walkway by my house that has 8-foot walls. I visualize the stuck energy on the back of my chakras are attaching to the walls. The walls are holding onto and clearing out the end of my chakras as I walk down the 25-meter ramp.


Learn how to clear out your own chakras in real-time during a session with me! My clients have found this to be a beneficial practice for the throat, spleen, or liver area if you have alcoholism in your family.

Book a session with Scott Clover today

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***Disclaimer: This Podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to