Season 2 Episode 4: The Power of Choice and Self Esteem

In today’s episode, we talk about the location and utilization of the third chakra, the Power of Choice and the alchemy of ‘Allow’ statements. Enjoy!

Season 2 Episode 4

Third Chakra Energies

The third chakra is about personal power. When you think of the chakras as wheels, and the third chakra gets blocked, there will be an imbalance of power energy in your system. This can be seen in your personality, interactions with others, and your daily choices.

Origins of Your Third Chakra

The household you grew up in, the schooling you received, and your peers all shaped your third chakra. Emotions kept from childhood can affect your third chakra. Your inner critic, the criticism of others, can be found lingering in your third chakra. It’s up to you to find and remove this negative energy and realize your access to self-esteem.

Working with Your Third Chakra

Your third chakra can manifest as physical disturbances in your body. Sayings such as “this hit me in the gut” directly reference our third chakra. When you have your power taken away, this can feel as if you are physically getting punched in the gut. It’s important to acknowledge the area, what is stuck, and getting the flow going to move the stuck energy.

Use Allow Statements

Give your body the choice to change. How do you choose to bring energy to your third chakra? How are you choosing to restructure this energy? People around you can sense how you are shaped, and your pattern will continue until you change.

By paying attention to your energies, you can review what may be congested and decide to stop giving energy to the elements that prevent you from harnessing your power. In my experience, my clients rarely work with this one independently, as it’s challenging to go into the shadowy corners and clean them out. 

Allowing statements can help regain your sense of self-esteem. Allow your body to shift energy onto your third chakra; review The Four Agreements. If you’re not aligned with one or more of the Four Agreements, chances are you’ll have work to do in your third chakra region.

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations

  • I allow myself to be strong and pretty


Learn how to clear out your own chakras in real-time during a session with me! My clients have found this to be a beneficial practice for the spleen, throat, or liver area as well. This can help balance your empathic receivers, self-expression, and the effects that family and upbringing can have on our systems.

Book a session with Scott Clover today

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***Disclaimer: This Podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to