Season 4 Episode 2: Imagination Meets Creation

Season 4 Episode 2: Imagination Meets Creation

Author Emma Mildon discusses the role of childhood imagination in shaping adult lives. ‘M is for Mystical” is her new children’s book, and Emma shares her personal story from her beginnings as a young creative to becoming a mother & author. Highlighting how life experiences influence her writing on spirituality and creativity. We cover the benefits of energy work and reconnecting adults with their imaginative and creative sides, emphasizing practical insights into personal growth and a playful spirit.

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Season 4 Episode 1: Body Mapping & The Nervous System

Season 4 Episode 1: Body Mapping & The Nervous System

With Holistic Biomechanist Amy Bonaduce-Gardner

We talk about how the nervous system reacts to stress, and how intution is more intune when the nervous system is regulated. Reasons why Amy’s work is so important is that long term stress, whether emotional, psychological or mechanical/physical, can create a sympathetic-dominant pattern of the nervous system that ultimately leads to pain, injury, movement issues, illness (both mental and physical), and structural changes in the body. By identifying these reflexes, we can rewrite them in a healthy, holistically sound manner and allow the nervous system to choose the operating system, sympathetic or parasympathetic, that is most appropriate for the moment. This culminates in adaptive changes in brain function, thought patterns, metabolic regulation, and joint and fascial functioning to bring the mind and body to a place of structural integrity and efficiency. This adaptability becomes habitual and unconscious.

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Season 3 Episode 6: Coming Out Intuitive - A Journey to Self-Acceptance

Season 3 Episode 6: Coming Out Intuitive - A Journey to Self-Acceptance

Scott explores the transformative power of self-acceptance, authenticity, and intuition. Drawing parallels between revealing one's intuitive capacities and the coming out process. This is related to the “Coming Out Intuitive; A Journey of Self Acceptance” workshop series which starts in June. You can learn more about that by visiting

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